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Version: 0.1.0


DynamicEnvironment is distributed as a Docker image. Since we are actively developing the project, it is essential to review the release notes for the specific release version you intend to install to ensure there are no additional requirements. Additionally, you will need access to the source code for generating deployment manifests and Helm charts.


Throughout this tutorial, we assume you have a basic understanding of Docker, Kubernetes, and Istio, including concepts like Docker image names and registry setup.


If you are upgrading your instance of DynamicEnvironment, it's crucial to carefully read all the release notes leading up to the version you are updating to, as there might be significant changes that require attention.

Build Requirements

As mentioned earlier, you will require access to the source code to generate the necessary deployment manifests. To set up a build environment, please refer to the requirements and instructions outlined in the repository's README. Ensure that you check out the tag corresponding to the version you intend to deploy.

Building from Source

There are occasions that you'll want to build the operator from source (e.g., if you want to use extensions). For instructions on building the operator from source please consult the repository's README.

Runtime Requirements

For this controller to operate smoothly, you need recent versions of both Kubernetes and Istio. Consult the Supported Versions documentation for information on tested versions. Keep in mind that while other versions may work, they should undergo testing to ensure compatibility.