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Version: 0.2.0

DynamicEnv CRD Reference


Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the riskified v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


Appears in:

name stringThe name of the resource
namespace stringThe namespace where the resource is created
status LifeCycleStatusThe life cycle status of the resource
hash integerHash of the current consumer - for internal use
errors StatusError arrayList of errors related to the consumer


Defines the details of the container on which changes need to be made and the relevant overrides

Appears in:

containerName stringContainer name to override in multiple containers' environment. If not specified, we will use the first container.
image stringDocker image name overridden to the desired subset The Docker image found in the original deployment is used if this is not provided.
command string arrayEntrypoint array overridden to the desired subset The docker image's ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided.
env EnvVar arrayAdditional environment variable to the given deployment


DynamicEnv is the Schema for the dynamicenvs API

kind stringDynamicEnv
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec DynamicEnvSpec
status DynamicEnvStatus


DynamicEnvSpec defines the desired state of DynamicEnv

Appears in:

istioMatches IstioMatch arrayA list of matchers (partly corresponds to IstioMatch). Each match will have a rule of its own (merged with existing rules) ordered by their order here.
subsets Subset arrayWho should participate in the given dynamic environment
consumers Subset arrayConsumers are like subsets but for deployments that do not open a service but connect to external resources for their work (e.g., offline workers). They are equivalent to subsets in the sense that they launch overriding deployments with custom image and/or settings. However, since they are only consumers, no virtual service or destination route will be pointing to them.


DynamicEnvStatus defines the observed state of DynamicEnv

Appears in:

subsetsStatus object (keys:string, values:SubsetStatus)A detailed status of each subset
consumersStatus object (keys:string, values:ConsumerStatus)A detailed status of each consumer
state GlobalReadyStatus
totalCount integerdesired subsets and consumers count
totalReady integernumber of available subsets and consumers


specifies a set of criterion to be met in order for the rule to be applied to the HTTP request This field is immutable after creation.

Appears in:

headers object (keys:string, values:StringMatch)Header values are case-sensitive and formatted as follows:
- exact: "value" for exact string match
- prefix: "value" for prefix-based match
- regex: "value" for RE2 style regex-based match (
sourceLabels object (keys:string, values:string)One or more labels that constrain the applicability of a rule to source (client) workloads with the given labels.


ResourceStatus shows the status of each item created/edited by DynamicEnv

Appears in:

name stringThe name of the resource
namespace stringThe namespace where the resource is created
status LifeCycleStatusThe life cycle status of the resource


StatusError shows an error we want to display in the status with the last time it happened. This does not have to be the only time it happened. The idea is that a list of errors should only contain a single occurrence of an error (just the last).

Appears in:


Describes how to match a given string in HTTP headers. Match is case-sensitive. one and only one of the fields needs to be defined (oneof)

Appears in:

exact string
prefix string
regex string


Subsets define how to generate subsets from existing Deployments

Appears in:

name stringDeployment name (without namespace)
namespace stringNamespace where the deployment is deployed
podLabels object (keys:string, values:string)Labels to add to the pods of the deployment launched by this subset. Could be used in conjunction with 'SourceLabels' in the IstioMatches.
replicas integerNumber of deployment replicas. Default is 1. Note: 0 is invalid.
containers ContainerOverrides arrayA list of container overrides (at least one of Containers or InitContainers must not be empty)
initContainers ContainerOverrides arrayA list of init container overrides (at least one of Containers or InitContainers must not be empty)
defaultVersion stringDefault version for this subset (if different then the global default version). This is the version that will get the default route.


SubsetErrors contains all global errors related to set subset.

Appears in:

deployment StatusError arraySubset's deployment global errors.
destinationRule StatusError arraySubset's destination-rule global errors.
virtualServices StatusError arraySubset's virtual-services global errors.
subset StatusError arrayErrors related to subset but not to any of the launched resources


SubsetStatus Contains aggregation of all resource status connected to set subset.

Appears in:

deployment ResourceStatusStatus of the deployment that belongs to the subset
destinationRules ResourceStatus arrayStatus of the destination-rule that belongs to the subset
virtualServices ResourceStatus arrayStatus of the virtual-service that belongs to the subset
subsetErrors SubsetErrorsA list of global errors related to subset resources
hash integerHash of the current subset - for internal use